The Evolution of Branding in the food and drink industry

 The food and beverage industry has constantly changed over the past few years due to the shift in consumer preferences and buying patterns. So, a food and beverage business owner must stay updated with the latest trends and challenges to get a clear idea of their target market. In addition, a food and beverage brand must focus on building a great first impression on its customers using a compelling and innovative packaging design. 

A professional strategic branding agency must consider essential elements such as the quality, color, and texture of packaging and cost while branding a food and beverage product.

Curious to know how the concept of branding took its final shape in the food and drink industry? If yes, you have found the correct answer!

Let’s explore the three main phases of the evolution of branding in the food and drink industry:

Phase 1- Fragmentation

The first phase, also known as fragmentation, existed before 1880 when the food brands supplied their products locally. The food and beverage products were not transported to distant locations or stored at warehouses. 

Thus, many food and beverage companies only catered to small local areas. Branding was limited to advertising brands through painted murals displayed in open public spaces or locally-selling publications such as gazettes. 

Phase 2- Unification 

Unification is the second phase in branding evolution, where professional brand strategy firms use sophisticated and innovative ways of branding with industrial advancement. This phase led to the large-scale production and safe and efficient transportation of packaged food and beverage products to new regions.

So, the unification period marked the beginning of the distribution of the products to the different regions. This period also led to the emergence of many popular brands that created a branding strategy, including advertising campaigns that led to greater brand visibility to differentiate the brand from local competitors. 

Phase 3- Segmentation 

Segmentation refers to the period when food and beverage brands realize they must stand out from their competitors by catering to diverse market segments with different value systems. 

This period started around 1950 when there was the growth of the large agencies that was showcased in Mad Men, which led to the onset of the creative revolution in advertising. 

Wrap Up- 

Currently, segmentation is still making an impact in terms of how food and beverage brands are promoting their product to their target customers.

Venturagency is one of the most renowned food branding strategists offering a wide range of services, including brand strategy, brand identity, design, packaging design, and video production. Visit or reach out at our address: 5th Floor Suite 539 The Atrium 1 Harefield Road Uxbridge London UB8 1EX.


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